We Can’t Save Every Child but we can save your Child but you need to Act Now!
How to Protect and Defend Your Child in this New World of Technology
Nov. 16th Anti-Drug Seminar to be presented at Montg. County Library, Norristown, PA
Recently Save Our Children’s Future announced that they will present their 5th Anti-Drug Parents education seminar to Parents with children under 13 years of age. SOCF is an Anti-Drug
organization that educates parents about the evils and the scourge of Illegal Drugs in our community. Thomas Catanese will present his seminar: How to Protect and Defend your Child Against Drugs
in this New World of Technology! The Internet, TV, Cable and Violent X Rated Videos are changing your child’s world at light speed! This is the only Seminar of its kind in the entire Delaware Valley!
If you have children under 13 then this seminar will open your eyes to the many dangers and the evils that are lurking just around the corner for your children. Young teenage drug dealers are
getting ready to target your children. This seminar could very well save their lives and save you five years of the worst nightmare you could ever imagine. In just 90 minutes Mr. Catanese will
show you how your World could be turned upside down overnight. The program will be presented on Sat. Nov. 16th, at the Montg. County Library at Swede and Powell street’s in Norristown. Check in
will start at 2:30 PM. The seminar will start at 3:00 PM. Reservations are needed as limited seating is available! Many of Mr. Catanese’s seminars are standing room only! He is the
President and the Founder of the organization.
He is a National professional motivational convention speaker who has been invited to address over 95 National Conventions and Trade Shows since 1977 across the country. In 1998 the International
Wine and Fancy Food industries presented him with a Gold Medal Award at Carnegie Hall for Lifetime Achievement in their industry! He is a dynamic and powerful speaker who has also been invited by the
British and the French to address their International Conventions in London and Paris! His seminar will address the many dangers that most parents will face in the future in this new World. Today,
80% of all crime is a direct link to the $500 billion dollar illegal drug trade in the World! Today the World has changed and your job as a parent has also change! That is why you must be aware of
what your children are facing everyday and what they doing at all times. Here are a few of the important topics with solutions that he will discuss with you; Your Daughter, Drugs and Prostitution,
Not My Kid, It Won’t Happen to Me, Your Child, the Law and Jail, a Parent’s Worst 5 year Nightmare, Sad Stories that will kill you. Yes, it will cost you $75,000 to Rehab your Child. Meth,
what is it? Its Rat Poison, Anti-Freeze, Lighter Fluid, Drano, Ammonia and Battery Acid and children are eating it. The Internet and you, your child, cable TV, and X-rated Violent War videos. Plus
discussing Sex and Teen pregnancy. The Top Ten important concepts you must use to keep your child safe and FREE from drugs! This seminar will forewarn you and it will give you the important data that
you need to keep your children safe! Again there is limited seated. Be sure to bring a pen and pad for notes. Mr. Catanese’s goal is to help you save your child and to save you from the sadness
and the heartache that thousands of families have suffered across America. You see it every night on the TV news. Many parents that I speak with say, it will not happen to us! Trust me
……… when it hits you it’s like a ton of bricks, you will ask how did this ever happen to me and my family? They said, it was the worst nightmare of their life.
This is the only Anti-Drug Seminar presented on a National basis that can help you save your children. Will you help us to defend your children’s safety? Then spend 90 minutes with Mr. Catanese,
and you will come to understand and be aware of all the dangers and sad stories that he will discuss with you! For more information go to; www.thomascatanese.com. Click on the Save Our Childrens
Icon on the home page. If you have questions call us. To reserve a seat, call 610-277-6230. Very important! Limited seating is available. All seating is on a first come first serve basis. E-mail
us at tccat523@aol.com with your questions. We have the answers. To insure your seat send your donation of $10 to; Save Our Children’s Future, 777 W Germantown Pike, Apt. 724, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
. We look forward to meeting you there.