This website is an Anti-Drug Educational source for Parents who want to safeguard
their children! Our Mission, our Goal, and our Plan,
is to educate the Mothers of America about the
dangers that their children will face in the
upcoming years! Your Children
will need a HEAD START! Our Country is losing the WAR ON DRUGS! The Federal
Government’s Audit Office Capitol oversees the Federal Government Anti-Drug Programs
that our Tax Dollars fund states that drug usage is going up not down!
Our Children are Our Future
Our Goal is to educate the Mothers and Fathers
of America who are responsible for everything that a child from birth to eleven
years old sees and reacts to! There are over 265 National, State and County
programs that deal with the Illegal Drugs that are sending America’s youth and
adults to jail in record numbers! Every agency who is fighting this dreaded
problem is doing their best to stop the flow of drugs into our Country.
There is too much cash profit to be made in the drug
culture and drug business!
All of the programs are aimed at the 12 year old child and the teenagers in
high school. By that time the children know a lot of information about Drugs
but it is all wrong! Why? Because the children who are trying to get your
children on drugs
are doing it because of the BIG MONEY that they can make from all the pushers.
Today, there are over 700,000 Druggies who push the drugs into
our children’s
schools, backyards, back alleys and at school parties!
This Drug Pusher is your Child’s worst Nightmare
If these Beautiful Teens get hooked, they could be selling their bodies for drugs |
Here is
the Drug King Pin who has over 1000 Drug slaves
We need your help! One in every three families has been affected by the Drug
problem in one way or another! Since 1960, our Government has spent over
$3,000,000,000,000. Yes, thats is 3 Trillion Dollars! And all those dollars are
our tax dollars not the Federal Government’s money!
80% of all Crime in America today has a direct contact with the Drug World!
80% of all Prisoners are in Jail because of Illegal Drugs one way or another!
80% of all Murderers are in Jail because of the Drug Culture!
At present there are over 2.2 million people behind bars.
The cost for you and I to house and feed one prisoner is $67,000 a year! Our
Tax Money! The Government has stated it can only stop 10 to 15% of all the Drugs
coming into our Country! Why are we losing the War on Drugs?
80 % of all Crime today is connected to the Drug Culture
Because we are educating our children too late about the bad things that drugs
do to people! Because Mom and Dad really must get into the
children's brains and
educate them at a young age! The key to stopping the Drug Wars is the
education of these young children by their Mothers and Fathers. But because
the Mothers and the Fathers are not educated about drugs themselves all
they say is DON”T TAKE DRUGS! That Is Not The Answer! The answer is the
Mother! Because she controls all the information inbound to this child’s brain
for the first eleven years.
Marijuana is a Gateway Drug
What’s happening to me! |
Man, this a BAD TRIP |
Then their school friends start to change their minds! If a child is approached by a
teenage drug pusher that child has no defense, because no one has told them
what to say! That’s where we come in! They don’t know what to say to that pusher.
But if his Mother has been coaching that child about drugs, then that Child will have
an answer for that pusher. Hey boy, do you want to get high? Hey, my Mom told me
all about you. You’re trying to steal my mind with drugs.
I don’t take drugs! Get away from me!
The Key is in education from the Parents at an early age with continuing education
from 4 years to 11 years. Now this child is ready for any pusher,
because they will have
the answers to his challenges! Drugs are ten times more dangerous than 9 out of 10
Diseases! Once a child gets hooked on drugs, it may take them and you ten years to get
them off the drug! That does not cover the tens of thousands of dollars and the nights
that you stay up worrying about where your child is and what
is she or he doing?
The key and the best defense is EDUCATION. EDUCATION by the Parents, and the Mothers
especially! She is the Primary Educator in that child’s life! We are going to build a 1000
page website at!
We will first educate the Mother about the dangers of drugs! The primary reason we
have this problem is because we are waiting too late
to warn the Mothers of America about the deep
hole that their children could fall into! This
website will inform the Mother and provide her
with age appropriate bedtime stories that she
can download and read to her children.
All of these stories will be very much like Nursery Rhymes and Mother Goose
stories that are appropriate for different ages. Building a 1000 page website
costs a good deal of money and that is why we need your free will donation
so we can register with the IRS for a tax exempt status as a
Non Profit Organization!
Here is a listing of some of the segment pages that you will see!
Mothers and Dads Pages |
These pages will speak to the adult parents about all the dangers! |
Marijuana, what is it? |
These pages will discuss the fact that this drug is a Gateway Drug! |
Cocaine, what is it? |
These pages will discuss the many HARD DRUGS! |
Crack Cocaine, what is it! |
These pages will discuss why this Drug is a Killer! |
Heroine, what is it? |
These pages will discuss why this Drug is the most feared! |
Meth, what is it? |
These Pages will discuss why you can’t try this drug just once! |
LSD, what is it? |
This is the drug that will blow your mind and kill you too! |
Sad but True Stories! |
Read about the families that drugs have ruined over the years! |
Celebrities / Died! |
All about the overdoses, the blowouts and the DOA bodies! |
Household Products! |
Why you should lock up all Chemicals, Paint Thinners Etc! |
Re-Hab Stories! |
Read the real truth about behind the doors of the Re-Hab Centers! |
We are
starting a New Organization called MMAD! |
History of Drugs in USA ! |
Here you will read about how we get to where we are today! |
Video Clips! A Must See! |
See Video clips of Anti Drug ads that will alarm you and your children! |
Bedtime Stories 4 - 5 years |
Brief Stories that can be downloaded from the web for your children! |
Bedtime Stores 6 - 7 years |
Same as above but for older children! |
Bedtime Stories 8 - 9 years |
Same as above but for older children! |
Bedtime Stories10-11-12 |
Same as above! |
Before and After Photos! |
These Pages will show you what happens to
children and adults who think they can control drugs. Some of these stories will be frightening! |
Innocent Victims Stories |
Children stories of who was killed by stray bullets in America’s Cities! |
Stories about Jails! |
These are stories about jails that you don’t want to see your child in ever! |
Intervention Pages |
See these stories of what happens with an intervention! |
So now you want to
know how you can help us help you with
your Children? Help us with a Free
Will Donation |
Bad trips are BAD What do you mean I robbed
a 7-11 store!
Yes Sir, We got married last week I’m your new Son in Law |
They did not tell me it could be a nightmare! |
Main St USA! is losing the War on Drugs?
Who is America’s Secret Weapon on the War against Drugs ? What we need
Millions of Mothers Against Drugs!
We already have the network set up across the Country. It is the Mothers
Clubs and the Parents and Teachers School Clubs
that will be the link between the drug problem
and the
Education of the Mother is the First Answer!
And here is the $64,000 question for you?
Here it is in a nutshell!
When did your parents take you aside and discuss Sex?
I have asked that question of 50 adults both male and female! They all said,
they never had a conversation with their Parents about Sex! We were not
educated about the most important human emotion in our everyday life!
We all found out about the most important human experience in the back alleys
and the school yards of America from secondhand misinformation from older
friends who really did not know much more than we knew! Back then there was
no Sex Education. Today it's better!
Parents don’t know what to say to their children, except,
Don’t Take Drugs!
Today Parents must educate themselves about a disease that can kill their Child!
We need to educate children from K-1 to 5th grade to get them ready!
Why? Because we need to get a HEAD START with them so
that they will listen to
their Moms and Dads about the evil that they will meet sometime in the future
in a schoolyard or on the bus or a friend's party! That is where it usually starts!
How do we get the word out? SAVE OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE website!
Over 15,000,000 Mothers of young children across America today need the
information and the educational materials that will be posted on the website. If you
have friends who have young children
Please Pass This Website on to them because
they will need this information now!
We need to tell these Mothers that in about 5 years some teenage
drug pusher is going to try to steal the heart, mind, body and soul of their child!
If she will read the sad family stories on the website she will understand that it can
happen to her children and in that case she will do everything in her power to stop
that EVIL before it attacks her children! Drugs are worse than disease! Drugs are
not out in the open. Kids are secretive about their addiction! Using the 150,000
Elementary School Mothers Clubs across America, we can educate all of them
through the Internet! That’s 15,000,000 Mothers across America! We need to tell
them all about the disease that their child will come face to face with in a few
years! We will tell them how to educate their child about Drugs! In five years,
if I can have the attention of 5,000,000 Mothers Against Drugs, we can
then write to all the sponsors of all the TV shows that show Killing, Guns
and Drug Use! ABC/Disney has not produced one anti-drug movie or TV
show that is directed at children! If you are a Mother, Grandmother, Aunt,
Gal Pal or an old friend, please send this website to your friends if you
want to save their Children’s Future!
Meth, don’t even try it once or you're hooked!
Drug Wars will Kill your Child |
Speed, Ecstasy, LSD will O. D. your child to the Morgue |
Walt Disney knew how to Educate Children!
If you remember the story about Pinocchio, his Grandfather warned him
about going to Pleasure Island! He said, if you go there and smoke these
cigars, your ears will start to grow! And if you lie about it, your nose will grow!
We will create age appropriate stories much like Nursery Rhymes and
Mother Goose type bedtime storybooks about the evil of drugs that Mothers
can download from the website and read to their children when they put
them in bed! They can explain to their children how bad drugs can steal their minds
and bodies! We need to educate the children about the horrible things that
drugs can do to them! I want to create a 1000 page web site that will educate the
Mothers of America! This web site will also contain video clips of the major
problems that families experience!
There is no National Television Network today including Sesame Street
educating children about the dangers of Drugs! Why? They think that the
children are too young for this information? And yet they are teaching the
children all about the A B C’s and other values about life!
They need to change that! Education is the only way out of this hole!
Teach the child at a young age and they will remember that when they are
asked to get high! That is a lot to say! I can’t do it myself, but with the
support of 15,000,000 Mothers
Against Drugs, I can! I want them
to E-Mail and write every National Network asking them to change their
Programming! Not only do I want them to write to the Networks, I want
them to write to the Sponsors and the Companies that pay for the
Programming of these shows that show our children how to kill other
children with Guns!
Video Games produced by Hollywood
If you were ever to see one of these Video Games that these children are
watching that teach them how to Kill others, you would be enraged!
The Teenagers who attacked the School in Columbine, VA Tech,
all said that they had watched these video games about killing!
These Video games are taking over a child’s mind and showing them how
they can take revenge on the bullying at school! Now we
almost had it happen right here with Plymouth Whitemarsh, PA! A Student who had an
arsenal of Guns and Bombs hidden in his room! He had an attack plan and
only because he realized that he would need someone else to help him did
the plot come undone! The second story in our area is about Andy Reid’s
sons caught with heavy drugs and a gun! His kids are in for some bad times!
Today no one under 21 is permitted to buy Wine or Spirits or any
pornographic books or materials. But, because the Video Games have
not appeared on any adult's radar screens, there is no prohibition for these
Video games! It’s time that we need to look at these Video Games to find
the source of all these kids who want to kill other kids! These video games
have a rating system! But parents are
unaware of the rating system.
Man in the Circle LSD Trip
How did I ever get hooked
on this crazyness?
Older Drug Pusher
He’s glad you're hooked |
A Bad Trip on Speed
Don’t worry
it will get much worse
Just wait a few more minutes!
This Nightmare can happen to your Family
Drugs shatter family values and cause parents to experience their worst nightmares
with their children! The website will first educate the Mother about all the different
types of drugs and how they work! Then all about their makeup and their effects
on their children’s minds and how they can alter their children’s character! I want
to place on this website 50 bedtime stories that Mothers can download to read
to their 4, 5, 6 , 7 ,8 and 9 year olds about the bad drug man. About
Aunt Mary Jane and her evil cottage in the forest where she steals children’s
minds! About Uncle Harry Heroin and his house of Mind Games and Thrills!
Then there’s Cousin Mikie Methie, the dude who can wreck your life with one
fix of Meth! It’s true you only need to try it once and you're hooked!
If you have Children, try and find someone in your Community who has lived
through this harrowing ordeal and life shattering nightmare! They will tell
you all about the hell they have gone through and how you can safeguard
your children from this Hell!
Never in all the history of humankind has their been a War started by
Mothers that killed one person! But we are in a War! A War Against
Drugs and I want you to fight for your children’s Future because if
you don’t fight then the Drug War may kill them before you can save them!
I need 5 Million of Mothers Against
Drugs who can help me
begin to reverse the Heartbreak, the real Pain and Sorrow that Drugs
bring to an All American Families. Will you help me do this?
Please help us to stop this SCOURGE, this EVIL, this Plague!

Marijuana will get them started!
Once they try Marijuana they could go on to
a harder substance! |
Heroin, your worst nightmare But I just did it once!
Hi, Dad, I’m your new Daughter in Law |
Don’t bet on beating Heroin? Want to bet your life you can win! |
Please send us a Free Will Donation!
Please send us whatever you can afford but don’t stop there! Tell your family and friends
about us and ask them to send us a small donation so that
we can win the War on Drugs
and so that we can;
Save Your Children’s Future Now!
There are so many worthy causes that you are asked to give to that benefit so many
Good Causes and Good People! But this cause is for your Children, your
Grandchildren, your Great Grandchildren and the future Generations of
your Family namesake! Of all the Charities that you support, we should be
at the top of your list because we want to save your children’s lives!
Millions of Mothers Against Drugs
We invite you to join Millions of Mothers
Against Drugs now! This New MMAD group will
be inside of Our Save Children’s Future’s organization!
We invite you to become a founding member of
Millions of Mothers Against Drugs!
Right now, we have few members but as this information is dispensed across
the Country, we will build our membership from hundreds to thousands to millions
so that our voices will be heard in Congress
and the Capitol,
and the Industries that are showing our children
how to kill other Children and any industry that opposes the Future of our Children.
To join simply fill out the information below and
mail back to us! We will include your membership in our data files and we
will update you as we gain more funding assistance! You can help to be part of
the first sparks of this NEW ANTI-DRUG Organization in its WAR ON DRUGS
that will launch this Program across the country!
Sincerely yours,
Tom Catanese