The Hollywood Back Story on the Raiders of the
Lost Arc Gift designed by ThomasCatanese.Com
1982 I presented my 19th Gift Basket Design, Sales, Marketing and
Packaging Seminar in San Francisco at Moscone Hall at the Int. Fancy
Food Show! One of the couples in the audience came up to the stage
after the Seminar and invited myself and my wife to Dinner! They
told me that they had just purchased a Wine and Fancy Food Store in
the L.A area! He said that the Seminar was very exciting and that He
and his wife were going to really do great things with the ideas and
the concepts that I presented them with! His name was Tom Bwarie,
and the store was Bwarie’s Wine and Fancy Foods in Sherman Oaks!
As it turned out he did just that and his Store became the Store of
choice for Great Looking Theme Gifts for all the major Hollywood
Studios! He had picked up Paramount, Columbia, 20th Century Fox,
Universal Metro-Golden Mayer as clients! When Stephen Spielberg
finished his movie which was called Raiders of the Lost Arc the cast
wanted to give Stephen
a Gift Basket about the Movie!
His secretary calls Tom’s store and told him that they wanted to
spend $3500.00 for a Special Theme Gift for Stephen but it had to be
something different than just a ordinary Gift Basket filled with
Fancy Foods and Wine! He told them that he could do it but he needed
more theme concepts about the movie! When he heard that it was about
an America Archeologist into leather and whips in Egypt searching
for the 10 Commandments with lots of snake, sand, blood, guts and
the Nazis he was puzzled! He said to himself, how am I going to come
up with a Theme Basket for this Concept! Then he said a LIGHT WENT
ON OVER HIS HEAD! He said I know what I have to do! I will call Tom
Catanese, he will know what to do! So the next day I get a call from
Tom Bwarie!
Tom called me and told me about the problem! I said let me think
about what I can come up with! He said that he needed to deliver the
Gift in three weeks!
I wrote all the words and all the things that he told me about on my
think page! After two days I called him back and told him what I
wanted him to do! I said, go and buy 15 12” plastic snakes! Then go
to a craft store and buy a large piece of Styrofoam and cut it out
much like the tablets of the 10 Commandments, then spray it gold and
then distress it and make it old looking! Then make a Styrofoam
shaped Rosetta stone wrap it in brown paper and using a gold pen
make Egyptian numbers and letters! Then go to a fabric store and buy
leather, canvas and burlap fabrics and cover the Fancy Foods and
Wine Bottles in these materials! Get some artificial spider web
spray! Now you will need a Giant Wicker Hamper! Take the snakes and
using a screw driver and pliers spread the weave of the wicker
spines open and place the snake’s heads thru but don’t pull them all
the way out of the Basket! Now pack the basket with all the
products! After you shrink wrap the basket go back to each snake’s
head and cut a small hole around the head and then pull the snakes
head out about 8” from the basket! In this way when you move the
basket all 15 snakes will wiggle their heads! When they were
finished with the Gift it weight in a 113 lbs and it took two men to
pick it up!
When they delivered it to his office as they walked in, he jumped up
on his desk and started to dance
Now three weeks have gone by and I have not heard from my friend! He
never got back to me and so I call him and ask him what happened? He
said, Oh it worked beautifully! I said, send me a photo? Oh No, Tom
he said I did not take a photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said it’s a shame you
could have reaped tons of PR for your store! That was in late 1984!
In early 1985 our International Fancy Food Show was to move to LA
for the first time in its History! So I decided to do my own Raiders
of the Lost Arc Gift so that I could display it at our Booth in LA.
The photo that you see is the Gift that I designed! Only I did a few
new things! I added an enlarged photo of Harrison Ford! I placed a
tape recorder in the back of the Gift with the theme music in it!
The Gift is almost 50’’ tall and cost was $300. This Gift was the
reason I designed and create the Rolls Royce Gift in 1986 in New
York at the Fancy Food Show at the Javit’s Convention Center! Other
Gifts that I have designed include; Theme Gifts for Aaron Spellings
1980’s TV Soaps, Love Boat, Dynasty, Dallas, Falcon Crest, ET, Frank
Sinatra, Desperate Housewives! To view the Video of the wrapping of
the Rolls Royce go to; and click on the blinking yellow line!
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