thomas catanese gift baskets©






Paris Symposium



The International Fancy Food Show was going to hold its first show at the new Jacob Javits Convention Center. Tom Catanese had to do something spectacular. Sarah Ferguson was to marry Prince Edward on the very day the show opened. What would the typical America billionaire send as a wedding gift? Why, what else, a Rolls Royce Convertible filled to the top with Champagne & Fancy Foods. Tom placed this very Rolls Royce in my 8 booths at the International Fancy Foods Show in New York for the occasion. Designed 25 New Gifts Fit for a King and Queen for Rolls Royce booth.

August: National seminar at the Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, LA ~ 125 retailers attended for 5 hours

September: Candy Marketer Magazine article, “Hot Chocolate Baskets” Third seminar at the Dallas World Trade Mart.

October: Tom did a 2nd Rolls Royce in Miami for the Auto Show & Epicure Market, and a Chrysler Convertible in Washington, DC for the Auto Show.
Tom produced the first ever Gift Basket Video for the Industry. It was 2 hrs long. Since then, he has been presented with 5 Video Industry Awards for my Video Productions.

May: Seminar in San Francisco at the Gourmet Show in Moscone Hall

June: Liquor Store Magazine article, “The Gift Basket Business”

July: Beverage Journal article, “Champagne Gift Baskets” Gourmet Retailer article, “Coffee & Tea Gifts”

August: Dallas World Trade Mart 4th Seminar October: Giftware News article, “Gifts Without a Basket”
Business is really booming! Tom Catanese was selling products to companies overseas and all the major department stores and fancy food stores across America. He Introduced Flair Top Packaging to the industry. April: Gourmet Today article, “The Gift Basket Explosion”. The New Gift Basket of Fancy Foods.

June: Gourmet Retailer article, “Gift Packs”

August: Another seminar in Denver at the Trade Mart

September: Philadelphia Candy Show in Valley Forge

October: Market Watch Wines & Spirits Magazine, “Gorgeous Gift Baskets”, Great Profits November: Gourmet Retailer article, “Hot ‘n Spicy Gift Ideas”, Tex/Mex Gift Designs

Catanese decided to present a special program in England to the attendees at the British Food & Drink Show in London. Over 55 attendees came to the Park Lane Hotel, including staff from Harrods, Selfridges, Marks & Spencer & Fortnum & Mason. What a thrill that was!!! He'd crossed the pond successfully. He also made my second & third gift packaging videos.

September: La Confiserie, Paris, Fancy Food Magazine article ~ Catanese's first European article ~ HOORAY!

On Bastille Day, July 14th, 1989, Tom received a letter from Paris, France. It was Bastille Day in Paris and they were celebrating. As he was opening the letter at his desk he smiled. The director of the French Fancy Food Industry had sent him an invitation to present the London Symposium to the French Intersuc Show in Paris. That truly was an honor and a wonderful day. It was a dream come true for me.


Catanese invents double-faced stickers. Not only did we do 2 symposiums for the French Fancy Food Industry for Intersuc, Paris, France, but we had a cover story in Beverage Media Magazine.

February: 2nd Intl Symposium Intersuc in Paris

April: Fancy Food Magazine article, “Themes with Gift Baskets”

May: 23rd Gift Basket article in Gourmet Today Magazine, “Gift Basket Creativity” Flowers Magazine article, “The Growing Gift Basket Industry” by Thomas Catanese

June: Fancy Food Magazine article, “Gift Basket Bonanza”, by Thomas Catanese Le Guide de L’acheteur, French Fancy Foods Show in Paris ~ This article reported on the Symposium in Paris to the French speaking Food Industry

Gift Basket Review Magazine publishes its first issue.

July: Seminar at the Chicago Trade Mart for the Chicago Gift Show September: Gourmet News publishes first issue Gift Basket Review Magazine began business November: Beverage Media article, “The Whiz of Wrap” which was my first Industry Magazine Cover

Catanese had never created a Golf Cart Gift before, so he decided to do one for a catalog in 1991. He did the cart at Rancho La Costa followed by 3 small regional gift basket seminars & a Hickory Farms seminar in Honolulu.

June: Fancy Food Magazine article, “Changing Fashion of Gift Baskets” (Intro of Fabrics)

August: Catanese does Atlanta Gift Mart Symposium for 350 attendees

October: Florist Magazine article, “Festival of Gifts” (Fruit & Flowers)



Copyright © Thomas Catanese and Company; all rights reserved.